Is weed really bad for health? Is it dangerous? Yes, it is harmful for health in some cases. Some people use it for recreation and others use it for medical purposes. But there are many side effects of weed which are not visible. We all know that smoking weed can cause different types of diseases and problems. It is the reason why we are always asking our friends and relatives if they smoke weed or not. But how much damage can weed do to your body? We all want to know about the side effects of weed.
Here are some common side effects of weed which you may not know:
1. Depression
If you are feeling depressed after you smoke weed, then you should try to quit weed because it will make you even more depressed. It will affect your health and you will be able to get depression easily.
2. Heart Disease
If you use marijuana on a daily basis, then it will definitely cause heart disease. The weed causes the arteries to get clogged and this will result in high blood pressure.
3. Stroke
If you smoke weed for a long time, then it can cause stroke. It can also cause the brain to swell up and this can cause brain damage.
4. Memory Loss
Weed can also cause memory loss if you smoke it for a long time. You will forget things which you need to remember and this can affect your life.
5. Headaches
Weed can also make you have a headache. It can cause the brain to swell up and this can be painful.
So, these are some common side effects of weed which you should be aware of. If you are using weed for medical purposes then it is not recommended to stop smoking weed. But if you are using it for recreation, then you should try to quit weed as soon as possible.