
Does Weed Kill Sperm?

You have read the article of “How Weed Kills Your Sperm” in which I have told you that cannabis can affect your fertility. Now, I want to tell you about the impact of cannabis on your reproductive system.

Yes, weed can harm your reproductive system. It can damage your sperm and make your testicles small. I don’t think it is a good idea for a woman to smoke weed, as it can harm her reproductive system and make her unable to conceive.

Cannabis can change the size of your testicles

If you are a man who smokes weed regularly then it can harm your reproductive system. Cannabis has the ability to reduce the size of your testicles. It can also change the shape of the testicles.

Cannabis can harm sperm production

It can also make the sperm weak and the quality of sperm will also decrease. If you smoke weed regularly then it will reduce your sperm count and your ability to conceive will also decrease.

Does weed cause infertility?

Yes, it can cause infertility. The THC that is present in cannabis can destroy the sperm. It can also cause blockage in the fallopian tubes. It can also make your eggs get damaged.


I am sure that if you are using cannabis on regular basis, then it will have a negative impact on your reproductive system. So, I don’t think it is a good idea to smoke weed regularly. I have also mentioned some tips to stay away from cannabis. You must read them carefully.