
Using Essential Oils For Overactive Bladder Control

Using essential oils for overactive bladder may help to ease symptoms of this condition. An overactive bladder (urination frequency or incontinence) is a condition where a person experiences frequent and uncontrollable urges to urinate. This can happen even when there is no urine in the bladder. This condition causes many people a great deal of stress and embarrassment and finding a natural cure for it can help people feel better and get back to living their lives normally. One way to find a natural cure is to use essential oils for overactive bladder.

Many people choose to use essential oils – for overactive bladder because of their calming and soothing properties. A common choice is lavender essential oil. Lavender is well known as a healing herb, and its scent has been used for many years to treat such conditions as headaches, stomach problems, and menstrual pains. The scent of the lavender essential oil is often used in bath water to soothe the skin. In addition, the oils can be diluted and applied topically to the skin for relief. Another way to use lavender essential oil for overactive bladder is to massage the area around the urethra with a piece of cotton cloth soaked in the solution.

Other essential oils – that are commonly used for this purpose include clary sage, geranium, and lemon. These essential oils are often mixed together to make an aromatherapy treatment for this condition. The combination of these oils creates a calming effect that helps to relieve the symptoms. Essential oils are very effective when it comes to easing tension and creating a soothing environment. They are also effective at creating a calming temperature in the body, which relieves the discomfort associated with an overactive bladder.

When looking for essential oils for overactive bladder – it is important to understand how they work so that you can choose the ones that are best suited for your particular condition. For example, lavender has been found to be an effective treatment for bladder control. Since it contains ingredients that have a relaxing effect, it may be an ideal choice to combine it with lemon to create a soothing bath spray or an essential oil-laced bath pillow.

There are other essential oils available – that can help relieve the symptoms associated with bladder control. These include clary sage, lemon, and geranium. As with any of the essential oils for bladder control, it is important to understand how each has been used to help treat bladder problems to ensure that you choose products that are designed to complement your individual symptoms.

Some of the most promising aspects of using essential oils – for bladder control is that they are all natural, safe, and inexpensive alternatives to prescription medicines. Therefore, they can be easily obtained from your local drugstore or supermarket. In addition, many of them can be purchased over-the-counter without a doctor’s prescription, although more research is needed to confirm their effectiveness in treating your specific condition. Once you begin using them, it will be easy to notice the many benefits they can provide to your life.

So, if you find yourself suffering from any type of bladder control issue, consider trying essential oils for bladder control as a safe and affordable alternative to prescription medications.